Getting the Authentic French Dining Experience: A How-to


French dining should not be that hard. You don't have to go to Paris just to experience that kind of authentic dining. There are lots of fine restaurants in South Pasadena that can give you that right authenticity. It is easy to spot the authentic. The way the restaurant scene is going, however, it may not last long. More and more supposedly French restaurants have become Americanized and thus lost their authentic touch in the process.


The art of haute cuisine may slowing down, but it is far from dying. There are plenty of restaurants that still adhere to the classic French dining customs. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the grandeur of French cuisine. But, surely you can do something about it.


Menus of authentic restaurants at this website are mostly written in French. For those who can't speak French it may be a disaster. You may end up ordering food that you may not like. There are some meats that are raw or with blood so be careful. It would be easier to look at a restaurant's menu and find out what the foods are. This way you can make an educated ordering based on your knowledge of these food items.


Asking the waiter for suggestions may not work always. Some of the authentic French restaurants go overdrive by making the servers speak French too. Asking what a food is all about may not give you the answer that you need. It would be best to do an advanced research on the food before you even go to the restaurant.  Read for news concerning restaurants.


Good French restaurants are going to start the dining experience with drinks as appetizers. More often in normal dining, we eat some appetizers, which is not something done in French dining. Expect a drink that is not only make your appetite go overdrive, but a drink that can aid the digestion.


Dining the French style will never be complete without cheese. You can skip it if you're lactose intolerant or in a gluten diet. Yet, you will be missing out on the concourse of experience that is associated with French cooking and culinary experience. It is normal to have some cheese before the dessert. But it always come after the main course. In some countries where French dining is observed, the cheese is the last one to come out. Click here to get a discount from the best restaurants near you.


Authentic French cuisine should be enjoyed and not be a source of intimidation. There are plenty of sites in Pasadena where you can get that nice French ambiance to share with a loved one.